If this slightly colder weather has you dreaming of a warm cup of coffee somewhere comfortable that you can bring your kiddos, well I have the place for you. Swork coffee has been around for a while in Eagle Rock and remains a local favorite because of their delicious coffee and pastries as well as a great set up for parents and kids.

This coffee shop has child friendly drinks that are small and a treat without being too sugary. My son loves the Happy milk but a babycino is also popular on a cold day.

After we order our delicious food and drink, we make our way to the parent’s lounge. It’s got a great cushioned area and child sized table and chairs. My son looks at books while I drink my coffee and he often decides to sit next to me and we read together. It’s all very lovely.

One of my favorite little details is the sign that lets other customers know that this is a parent/child area during certain hours and explains some of the expectations of people using the space. They are helpful reminders for everyone and I’m able to point at the sign when I tell my kid, “You can’t stand on the couch.”