Cleland park was pretty recently renovated and is found in the middle of a neighborhood on a hill. It can be a pretty popular park, I’ve never shown up and been the only person there unlike other parks. Here are some of my thoughts on it:

What works:
- It’s a gated park! I haven’t seen too many of these around town, so there are often younger children at this park. The gate is in good condition and people really seem to respect closing the gate behind them so you can let your child explore a little more freely.
- There is a good combination of climbing areas. The play structure, the rope structure and the fake rock climber are all different skills so there are all kinds of challenges for different ages.
- There are tables for eating.
- There is a sand area
- There are swings

What needs improvement:
- There are no restrooms at this park. Not only that since it’s on a hill and not near any local businesses, there is nowhere to use the restroom nearby.
- It has some high fall zones. The equipment is in great shape and relatively new. Since it can get busy it’s hard if your toddler is an explorer because sometimes they climb up and all of a sudden there is an opening for some type of ladder and they could easily fall.

My Favorite Part:
- There are drums built in and occasionally there is a local mom that comes and brings more instruments and does a bit of a music time.

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