Nibley Park, nestled in a residential area in Glendale close”ish” to Glendale Community College, is one of my favorite parks and also one of my least favorite parks. Let’s talk about the good things first. It has beautiful trees, a gate that goes around most of the park, bathrooms that are usually clean (hey that’s rare for park bathrooms), plenty of picnic table, and an area to run around in the trees as well. So what is wrong with it you ask? How does it get the distinction of one of my least favorites? Well, I love most of the play equipment here except for this one very tall slide. If you have a child that you feel comfortable using this slide, or are able to redirect your child successfully then yes I recommend this park 100 percent. If you are like me and have two young children and a three year old that is very adamant about his ideas then I feel the need to warn you that this slide is tall.

Often my son is fine on it, but when it gets busy and other children want to use it and he feels rushed I get a bit nervous as other children try to climb past him on such a thin ladder. All in all, I love this park, but I do not like that slide.

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