Some mornings I wish that a magical place existed wehre I could get my children healthy food without having to cook it, myself a delicious cup of coffee and also have them entertain themselves for a bit. Then I remember Penny Oven in Eagle Rock.

Penny Oven is wonderful because it has delicious, healthy options for both me and my children and it has this wonderful kid’s area filled with toys, books and this cute alligator wall thing. So while we wait for our food to be ready, my children happily play there.

Even better, if we are lucky to snag one of the tables in front of it, my husband and can I eat our breakfast at a reasonable pace, so when our children inevitably finish before us, I can let them play a little longer while we finish our meal.

Did I mention their food comes on beautiful plate ware and that our kids really enjoy the food? Penny Oven is actually that perfect. It also has an actual oven covered in pennies which is pretty cute.